
Monday, December 12, 2011

Purple Rain Part 2

Purple Rain has been sitting for a couple of months while we decided where we wanted to take the modifications. I tossed around hard-tailing this or a Brat Style bike. But all of that has been done to death. I figured we would De-Special it. Back in the early 80's the all the Japanese motorcycle manufactures wanted to capture the American buyer and in the good ol USA we like choppers. The Japanese "Manufactured Custom" of the day consisted of a stepped king and queen seat, Shorty exhaust, Pull back handlebars, a teardrop gas tank and a sissy bar. Some of the models had mag wheels and 16 rear wheels to run the Harleyesque rubber.

 The reason for playing around with this XS650 is we plan on heading to Arkansas to the Ozark Mountains in June for the “Ozark Mountain Scramble  This is a grass roots style event that you show up and ride with like minded people.  I am sick of the rolling shopping malls that most of the rallies and large bike events have become.  The premise of the run is the bike cannot be newer than 1980, not larger than 750cc and not cost more than $1000.00 inclusive of purchase price and getting it ready for the run.

We added a tank from a 1976 XS650 that is a little rounder with the filler in center of the top.

 The pullback bars had to go. We replaced them with a set of Vintage Style Motocross bars.

A before photo of the seat and the Sissy bar. with the new tank installed.

 The rear 3/4 shot with the sissy removed new bars and the '76 Fuel tank.

 Right side view with the changes so far.  I am starting to like this little bike.  We will see what other parts we can dig up or modify to get this thing completed within budget.


  1. Wait a minute, are you sure that it is okay to participate in this type of event? I mean one will have to thinl outside of the box-GASP! What will the cool kids think? LOL
    This sounds like to much fun! Looking forward to more post on this adventure!
    Iron Vaquero

  2. We are the cool kids! so, we are not too far out of the box. Grab a yardsale bike from the '70s and join us!
